My IP Hide
If you only need to access blocked sites, please try My IP Hide. Here is the comparison between My IP Hide and Elite Proxy Switcher.

Didsoft Affiliate
Earn money when a visitor comes from your website buys our product or service. You can get 30% commission on sales. Start to earn now!EPS 1.30 Released on 2018-9-2
- Fix the checking environment
- Download only HTTPS proxies for the regular list
- Fix that it sometimes crashes when sort by city or region
- Fix the test against URL
EPS 1.29 Released on 2017-3-17
- Support checking the region and city of the proxies
- Support showing the distance between you and the proxies
- Support checking the country in the free version
- Improve the color and height of the filter bar
- Improve the user interface for Windows 10
- Fix that it shows too many message balloons
- Improve the compatibility on 4K screens
- Update the location databases
EPS 1.28 Released on 2016-6-20
- Fix that doesn't recognize Win8 or win10
- Fix the function to check google proxies
- Update the country database
EPS 1.27 Released on 2014-8-16
- Fix that it uses direct connection after download new list in auto switching mode
- Update the country database
EPS 1.26 Released on 2014-3-28
- Support testing proxies against custom URL and phrase
- Don't stop the Auto Download process when it fails to download proxies
- Save the type of the downloaded list in setting file
- Update the country database
EPS 1.25 Released on 2014-1-13
- Support download the proxies every 5 minutes for auto switching
- Fix that the premium list doesn't show the Google or Https feature
- Support using 1000 threads to test the proxy list
EPS 1.24 Released on 2013-3-20
- Improve the HTTPS / SSL feature
- Support downloading google proxy or https proxy automatically
- Support getting proxies from
EPS 1.23 Released on 2013-2-10
- Support downloading only google proxy or https proxy from the premium list
EPS 1.22 Released on 2013-1-22
- Fix the Google feature
- Support exporting the Google proxies
- Improve the list format in the export dialog
- Update the country database
EPS 1.21 Released on 2012-12-6
- Show country for downloaded list
- It can now test whether a proxy supports sending emails
EPS 1.20 Released on 2012-7-11
- Check whether a proxy supports searching on Google
- Improve the testing speed by 6.3%
- Increase the number of working proxies by 7.5%
- Use the new icons on toolbar
- Do not check CoDeeN proxies any more because they vanished
- Only check update at start up
- Set focus to the IP input box in "Add Proxy" dialog
- Don't retry the list if "Test Speed" or "Test Anonymity" isn't checked
- Fix the bug that the professional edition cannot load list from free edition
- Fix that the status of premium list is known is "Test Anonymity" isn't checked
- Fix that showing too many working proxies in the testing log sometimes
EPS 1.19 Released on 2012-5-4
- Support level 2 proxies in premium list
- Slight improve the speed of checking proxy
- Show message in system tray when changing proxy
- Improve the tip message of proxy level
- Inform the user when minimize into the system tray
EPS 1.18 Released on 2012-1-24
- Support country filter
- Support using proxy to download proxy for Mid-Eastern users
- Update country database
- Improve the interface in XP
EPS 1.17 Released on 2011-11-1
- Support automatically downloading premium list every 5 minutes
- Support deleting the old list before download new
- Fix a crashing bug when activate the service using a long email
- Fix that some users cannot activate the list service in Vista
- It can fix the corrupted list file by itself which causes crash at start
- Show a quick guide when the list is empty
- Support automatically retry the timeout proxies
- Add a tip for the column "Level" (Anonymity)
EPS 1.16 Released on 2011-8-29
- Support downloading different type of proxy lists
- Support changing account to download proxy list
EPS 1.15 Released on 2011-8-14
- Improve the judgement of proxy anonymity
- Fix that EPS does not update the status after downloading the premium list
- Fix that EPS does not goto the patch page after user clicking OK
- Fix that EPS crashes on exit when hidden to the system tray
- Fix that EPS does not redraw the status when retrying the timeout proxies
- Fix that EPS does not run properly on some computers
- Change the delay value to speed (fast, normal, slow)
EPS 1.14 Released on 2011-6-25
- Fix that it flash too much when testing the proxies
- Fix that sometimes EPS crash on exit (redrawing problem)
EPS 1.13 Released on 2011-6-9
- Improve the speed of importing big list
- Fix that sometimes EPS crashes while testing the proxies
- Fix that sometimes EPS crashes on exit (sockets problem)
- Improve the stability of switching proxies by hotkey while testing the list
- Do not show the patch dialog after testing on vista sp2 and above
- Support downloading premium http list
- Improve the function "simulate browser"
EPS 1.12 Released on 2011-5-9
- Change the default settings for Windows 7 and Vista to improve the testing speed
- Fix that users can not get the update information in some countries
- Fix the bug EPS crash when testing the proxy list after stopping the test
- User can now use hotkey Shift+F9 to switch proxies
- Can fix the external variable automatically to prevent all proxies die
- Hide to system tray when user click the close button instead of the minimize button
- Show the proxyjudge in log when testing the proxies
- Close the running instance when installing the new version
EPS 1.11 Released on 2011-3-10
- sort the proxy list automatically after testing
- fix the bug that proxy downloading dialog doesn't show correctly in some computers
- change the default settings
- alert if the user set the threads too big
- fix that it cannot save the serial number without a admin right in Windows 7
- add the "Show my IP address" function
- improve the testing accuracy by retrying proxies with delays but without levels
- update country database
- improve the judgment of working proxies
- change the status table from level 1/2/3 to working/anonymous
- support EPS exclusive proxyjudge (we will release it later)
- Firefox add-on add a "Check IP" button
EPS 1.10 Released on 2010-12-15
- improve the compatibility for Win7 and Firefox
- fix the bug that IE proxy can not be changed when login as user in Win7
- fix the bug that sometimes SSL proxy is not set in Firefox
- show the addon bar in Firefox 4
- stop the test immediately after the stop button is clicked
- sort the proxy list by speed after test the whole list
EPS 1.09 Released on 2010-9-22
- improve the compatibility for Vista and Win7
- update the country database
- fix the proxy switching function of tray icon
- ask the user to use SPC to download the socks proxy
- show online verify dialog if the license expires
- do not check anonymity if proxyjudge is error
- detect network status before testing
- improve the the user experience slightly
EPS 1.08 Released on 2010-6-27
- support automatically changing proxy after a few minutes
- fix the bug that EPS changes the "exceptions list" of IE proxy setting
- fix the bug that the active proxy does not show in system tray sometimes
- support checking updates
- use new threads management system to improve the testing performance
- new Firefox extension supporting manually set the proxy quickly
EPS 1.07E Released on 2010-4-29
- use a new external variable to prevent all proxies die
EPS 1.07D Released on 2009-9-22
- prevent crashing when the list file is corrupt
- support automatically changing to the good proxyjudge
EPS 1.07C Released on 2009-6-9
- updates the IP to country database
- support guiding the user to import the proxy list
- fix that the loaded proxy number is not correct in some time
- add the function to retry the timeout proxies
- fix the bug when export the empty list
EPS 1.07B Released on 2009-4-7
- fixed the bug that some anonymous proxies are regarded as transparent proxy
- highlight anonymous and https proxies
EPS 1.07 Released on 2008-12-3
- support Firefox 3 and above version
- improve the proxy testing speed
- support some nonstandard proxyjudge
- support the nonstandard format: IP (space) port
- add options to select which browser to affect
EPS 1.06D Released on 2008-9-19
- use a new external variable to prevent all proxies die
EPS 1.06C Released on 2008-6-9
- fix that cannot save settings and result in Vista
- fix the error page problem of the verifying dialog in Vista
EPS 1.06B Released on 2008-6-3
- use new computer ID system to prevent it changing
- impove the verifying system of proxy list download service
EPS 1.06 Released on 2008-5-29
- use new main icon
- support informing the user when finish testing
- automatically detect when export unchecked list
- fix that the tray icon can't be properly shown in old OS
EPS 1.05 Released on 2008-3-29
- improve the accuracy of proxy classification
- correct the invalid ports such as 68664 and 68660 when deleting duplicated proxies
- fix the bug that some users' Computer ID may change
- fix that sometimes show "Get 0 proxies" after download the proxy list
- fix that can only run in Administrator privilege in Vista
- update IP to country database
- support using Ctrl+A to select all the proxies in the exporting proxy dialog
EPS 1.04 Released on 2008-1-8
- support online verification for proxy list service and professional version
- support saving the pure proxies, without any text such "[Elite proxies (0)]"
- fix that cannot export working proxies when not test the anonymity
- fix a small bug when select the file to export the proxy list
- system check don't show again after clicking "OK"
- fix that Check System won't show any message if system is OK
- fix the bug when exit on the start-up check system dialog
- change the default window size
- users can clear the serial number now
- show proxy list status dialog after downloading proxies
- show subscription end date after downloading proxies
- fix the bug that test codeen too when set to test gateway only
EPS 1.03 Released on 2007-8-29
- support Firefox in Windows Vista
- improve the animation of the system tray
- fix a bug: delay=-2ms for not checked proxies when export proxies
- fix a bug: "Last test time" isn't reset after deleting proxy list
- support setting timeout by user
- ask whether to test the proxies after downloading
- add "use direct connection" in "switch" menu
- add a "Check System" function
- improve the format of exported proxy list
- fix the bug that some users cannot register in Windows Vista
EPS 1.02 Released on 2007-4-24
- support saving result during the testing process
- fix the bug that sometimes EPS may crash during testing
- support showing the update time of the downloaded proxy list
- support exporting the country and delay of the proxies
- implement the animation of the system tray
- improve the performance when copy big proxy list into clipboard
EPS 1.01 Released on 2007-3-7
- support testing the details of the proxies
- support removing the dangerous proxies
- support detecting the fake proxies
- support saving the selected proxies
- support checking codeen proxy
- support changing the proxy of Firefox
- support saving the proxy setting when exit
- support sorting the proxy list
- support saving and loading the test result
- support the quick key such as ctrl+a, ctrl+c and ctrl+v